Restoration 7

The painting of the trim in the Office, Hall, and Parlor is now complete.  The Hall and Parlor have trim that is painted brown, while the Office is a green-blue color.  We surmise here that when Willard got the money for writing her autobiography in 1889, she asked Mother how she would like to re-decorate the Hall and Parlor (and Dining Room), but they deferred to Anna Gordon who was the resident of the Office at the time.

In addition, historic finishes artisan Mat Weil did a fantastic job on the picture rail in the Parlor and in the Office.  The Parlor has a copper metallic in its center, while the Office uses gold leaf. (And the Dining Room uses bronze metallic!)

We have begun receiving shipments of wallpaper for each of the rooms – installing the wallpaper will be the next set of projects.  The wool is being dyed for the carpets as well.  Stay tuned…